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DVD Covers

DVd cover 2.jpg


This is my DVD cover. This is what we made before or animated flip books, it represents our movie. Mine was about two friends who find a tree with a portal and get stuck in the other dimention.

short version logo tv.jpg

 We made logos to represent that each project we do is ours. 

Log Books

Animated Flipbook

This is my movie i made i used Premier pro and photo shop to edit it.

 This is my intro production i made, of our IM 1 class.

Thevideo intoduces each one of the IM 1 students.  I picked the intro song from"Victorious" show.


This video I made was to recreate a music video from YouTube which was a parody.  Its showing how to stay. safe during these hard times with Corona going around.

This video I created was to show how I kept busy in quarantine.  I also showed what things you could to do to keep busy. I explained how you need to try to make the best of it.  Theres always a bright side to a dark situation.

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