Media Productions
There are four different levels in the MPA program, each level covers a specific skill/ training material. Listed below, are each of the MPA levels and explains what we cover and learn.
IM 1
This class will introduce students to some of the basic programs, equipment, and applications for specific commercial, industrial, and entertainment needs. An emphasis will be placed on the Design Principles and good visual communication with in real world settings. The students will learn the basics of the Abode Master Collection, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft PowerPoint, and presentation software. In-depth hands-on experiences will reinforce the learning process.
MP 2
The level 2 class provides the students with advance training in the computer applications from the level 1 class. The students will get basic training in related visual and sound imaging techniques. Introduction to digital imaging for animation will also be studied and put into use. Adobe Master Collection will be further examined as learning tool to enhance the class. An electronic portfolio will also be completed in order to highlight the student’s work.